Wednesday 13 March 2013

Google Chromium free download latest version

Hi friends. Inour previous post, we shared Google Chrome Canary free download for which we got lots of your appreciations.
Today we are sharing another web browser Google Chromium free download.

First of all, many readers will think about its name 'chromium'.
What is chromium? Is it a word derived from 'Chrome'?
So friends, Chromium project takes its name from the element chromium, the metal from which chrome is made.
The second question which one may ask is why Googke Chrome is launced when Google Chrome and Google Chrome Canary are already successfully there?
Google Chromium is basically designed with an idea to provide a simple program for the internet users by which they can browse internet very easily without feeling any complications and burden.
So the basic aim and objective of Google Chromium is to target those people, who wants a simple but faster web browser wothout any extra ordinary features to keep it simple and decent.
If you are looking for a simple but faster web browser, then this one is specially designed for you!
Use it and experience a new world of simplicity in which decency and elegance is personafied!
Download this Google Chromium web browser now and if you are liking efforts of Download Software Collection team, then bookmark our blog.
We will be appreciated :)

Download link is given below:

Download Google Chromium

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