Tuesday 26 February 2013

Free Online Word Counter Tool for prgrammers and educational purpose

Hi friends. How are you all? Today we wants to share some blog tips which you want to kept in mind while posting on your blog or wordpress.
Moreover, we also want to share our word counter tool which is one of those tools which is most commonly used these days.

So, first lets satrt-up with a blog tip.
While making blog posts, make sure that your posts are not coppied. If you are copying posts from other blog or website, then google & other search engines will detect this coppied content and you will be immidiately kicked from search engine results. Once being hit by search engines, never expect to get any traffic on your blog at all.
So make sure you are the owner of your posts and you are writing it yourself.
Moreover, try to get stick with a particular topic on which your blog is mainly based. Secondly, always make quality posts from which your readers can get all that what they wants.
And the most important thing which should be kept in mind is that a post, less than 200-250 words is not a post!
Thats not my own individual point of view, thats how a search engine regards a post which is less than 200-250 words.
All search engines, including google, don't prefer to place short posts in their search results.
So if you are making posts less than 200-250 words, than you are simply wasting your time!
But how we come to know that how many words this post contains?
For this very reason, we have provided our readers a most commonly used word counter tool.
So that, just by copying your text in this tool, you can easily know how many words, sentences, characters & paragraphs your posts contains!
So try using our Word Counter Online free and make full use of your efforts whiich you are making on your blog posts!
I hope you will like all efforts made by Download Software Collection team.

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