Wednesday 27 February 2013

Internet Download Manager with free lifetime License key free download

Hi friends. How are you all? Today we are going to share a software which is one of those softwares which has more than 100 Million monthly downloads around the world!!
You can imagine the popularity and usefulness of this software by the number of its monthly downloads.
Its a software which each and every internet user needs.
This most useful and powerful Internet Download Manager, you can resume your previously paused downloads.
Moreover, this smart Internet Download Manager has a capability to catch the download web address, so that, with your one single click, it will start to download what you wants!
But the most irritating thing which iritates is that IDM is downloaded only for a month and after one month, it is expired and it asks for a serial key and you have to pay around 25$-30$ to purchase its license key!
But what you say if we Download Software Collection team provides you a free lifetime Internet Download Manager.!!
So here you go, follow these steps and you will get Lifetime Internet Download Manager with free key.

Step # 1:
Download Internet Download Manager:

Step # 2:
Open the software and install in your desired folder. ( I prefer 'C' )

Step # 3:
You have now got Internet Download Manager with free key without paying a single penny!
Note: (You have to download this copy from our blog to use these registration keys)

So enjoy my friends. We have saved your 25$-30$ and in return we only wants to get your precious comments and appreciations.
And please don't forget to bookmark our blog :)

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Avast Anti Virus free download latest version 2013

Hi friends. Its quite few days that we have shared an anti virus and we were getting a lot requests from our readers to share some most useful and powerful anti virus.
And as you know, our team of Download Software Collection always wants to give the best to our readers and the stuff which they wants, shouls be provided to them.
So today we decided to share Avast anti virus setup free download with you friends.

We hope that you will like it as Avast anti virus is considered as the most powerful anti virus, anti spyware, firewall and anti spam. It also protects your system from phishing attacks, bruce force attacks, directory viruses & other such malwares which can effect your system performance and speed.
Moreover, this Avast anti virus also prevents you to download such files from internet which contains any infected or suspicious files or viruses which can infect your system.
So, grab this most useful and powerful anti virus to protect your computer.

Download Avast anti virus

Free Online Word Counter Tool for prgrammers and educational purpose

Hi friends. How are you all? Today we wants to share some blog tips which you want to kept in mind while posting on your blog or wordpress.
Moreover, we also want to share our word counter tool which is one of those tools which is most commonly used these days.

So, first lets satrt-up with a blog tip.
While making blog posts, make sure that your posts are not coppied. If you are copying posts from other blog or website, then google & other search engines will detect this coppied content and you will be immidiately kicked from search engine results. Once being hit by search engines, never expect to get any traffic on your blog at all.
So make sure you are the owner of your posts and you are writing it yourself.
Moreover, try to get stick with a particular topic on which your blog is mainly based. Secondly, always make quality posts from which your readers can get all that what they wants.
And the most important thing which should be kept in mind is that a post, less than 200-250 words is not a post!
Thats not my own individual point of view, thats how a search engine regards a post which is less than 200-250 words.
All search engines, including google, don't prefer to place short posts in their search results.
So if you are making posts less than 200-250 words, than you are simply wasting your time!
But how we come to know that how many words this post contains?
For this very reason, we have provided our readers a most commonly used word counter tool.
So that, just by copying your text in this tool, you can easily know how many words, sentences, characters & paragraphs your posts contains!
So try using our Word Counter Online free and make full use of your efforts whiich you are making on your blog posts!
I hope you will like all efforts made by Download Software Collection team.

Don't forget to bookmark our blog if you like it! :)

Saturday 23 February 2013

Team Viewer free download latest version

Today we are sharing another most useful and latest software with you friends.
As you know today's world is all about sharing and the slogan for this century is 'Sharing is Caring'.
And Team Viewer has both these features: 'Sharing' & 'Caring'.
With this Team Viewer free download latest version, you can control and use any Pc with which you want to connect, by putting ID and password provided by that other person.
Secondly, with this new version of Team Viewer, you can also share and send files and data directly with any other computer.

Its very easy to use team Viwer, but for the convenience of our readers, we are showing it step by step with the help of pictures.

Put your partner's ID in the box and then choose whether you want to control other's pc aor you want to share data with other computer, as shown in the picture below:

Once you click on 'Connect to Partner', it will ask for a password of your partner's ID.
Ask password from your friend and put it here, then you will be connected with your friend's computer.
Now you can use his/her computer, can share any file and data directly to his/her computer all for free!
I hope you will make a good use of it.
Keep exploring our blog as you know, we all members of Download Software Collection wants to give you the best and latest softwares of all types and categories.
And if you liked our efforts, please do give us appreciations and don't foger to share because
'Sharing is Caring'.. :)

Download Team Viewer 7.0

Friday 22 February 2013

Free Backlinks: create 3000 free backlinks for your website

Free Backlinks: creates 3,000+ free backlinks for your website!
Free Backlinks are needed by every blog owner. If I say you will get free backlinks of your website/blog from 3,000+ different places then I think you will not believe it. But yes, this free backlinks tool will create free backlinks.
All these 3,000+ websites are mainly:
"who is",
"about us",
"website statistic", etc. type of services which are well known by search engines and also have good rankings in Alexa Rank.
Free Backlinks:

This Download Software Collection script creates free backlinks pages about your website/blog on such websites who have good rankings and viewership,
Thus, resulting in about 3,000+ different pages with free backlinks pointing back to your website.
Yes some of them are no-follow and some of them are do-follow.
Don't want to pay heavy amount of money for free backlinks creating services or to buy such tool?
We are here to serve you and always free of cost!!
Bottom line:
Bottom line is that these are well established websites regularly crawled by Google Bots and other Search Engines, so your pages and free backlinks on those websites will be found and your website/blog will get backlinks and will be visited and indexed more frequently by Google bot and other search engine bots mainly like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, etc.

This will result in certain increase in your Website/Blog Rankings and visitor traffic..!

Please don't forget to leave your feedback or suggestion for this tool...

Wednesday 20 February 2013

PTC Auto Clicker Software for Donkey Mail PTC sites (2/2)

In our previous post, we were discussing a new PTC auto clicker software for online earning.
So here's that software for you.

Follow step by step tutorial to understand it easily:

Step # 1:
First of all, Just click below and Sign Up at the following Pay Per Click site: No Minimum Payout

Step # 2:
Once you have completed your Sign Up process, Download the Software below:

Download Donkey Mails.exe (Auto Click Software)

Extract the software and Click on Donkey Mails v1.0.0.3

(You need .Net FrameWork 3.5 to run this Software).

If you are having an error, download .Net FrameWork 3.5 here:

Download .Net FrameWork 3.5

Step # 3:
Now Enter your Donkey Mails Username & password:

Step # 4:
Once you are logged in, Click on Paid to Click,

Thats all my friends..!
This free auto click software will auto click on PTC ads and through it, you can earn load of money for sure without doing any hard work.
You can create upto 2-3 accounts from one IP.
Also recommend and refer it to your friends to earn more..
You can create upto 2-3 accounts from one IP address.
So go and starting earning folks.
Enjoy and don't forget to appreciate us if you like efforts of Download Software Collection team :)

Auto PTC Clicker Software for Donkey Mail PTC sites (1/2)

Today we are sharing PTC Clicker software for free download.
Hi friends. I hope you all will be fine. As you know, we all members of Download Software Collection are always eager to provide the most valuable, fresh and best content to our readers and visitors because you guys are very valuable for us.
As you guys know, today everyone is in search of some part time online jobs to earn some money from their home, so in our previous posts, we shared with you friends some auto clicker software for online earning.
The feedback and response of that auto ads clicker software was awesome so we decided to search for another such software through which you can increase your online earnings.
So today, we decide to share another Online Earning Software with you my friends.
With this software you can earn a handsome amount of money while sitting at home without doing any work at all!
Almost all of you knows about (Paid To Click) PTC sites, in which you have to click on ads to earn money but sometimes it gets very boring and irritating to click on ads one by one.
So this software is the solution for all that irritation.
You just have to start this software and you are done.
This click software will work for you and you will automatically clicks on PTC ads and you will earn loads of money!

Check our next article to download this valuable online earning software because Step by Step tutorial and download link is coming in very next post.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Yahoo messenger free download

Hi friends. How are you all?
I hope you all will be fine and will be satisfied with all the efforts made by Download Software Collection team. With all those efforts, we wants to provide best and latest softwares for our readers and friends.
So today, lets share a social messenger which is very widely used all over the world. This social chat messenger
is known as Yahoo Messenger.
If you have used it before, try using this new and latest version of Yahoo Messenger.
With this new and latest version of Yahoo Messenger, you can make new friends and can extend your online friend circle and can chat with them for free of cost!
With this new version of Yahoo Messenger, you can use many new and unique smileys and fonts which makes it more interesting and eye catching.
There are so many socail chat messengers available on internet but with this new version of Yahoo Messenger, you can also make audio chat with your friends and can make new friends there.
It will not only increase your friends circle but also increase your confidence level and will also enhance your social skills.
So instead of using other chat messengers, try usng this Yahoo messenger free download.
I'm sure you will enjoy!

Monday 18 February 2013

Audio and Video File locker

Hi friends.
Today I am going to share a very handy and amazing software with you guys. You have always heard about security softwares by which you can lock your folders and can secure them with password.
But as you know, team of Download Software Collection always wanted to give something very different to their readers.
So this software is also something different.Through this software you can not only lock your folders but you can also lock
and put password on your selected audio and video files.
Besides putting password on your audio and video files, this software has a king feature through which you can put password on a file after it is played for a while.
For instance, you have a video file of 10 minutes. So with the help of this software, you can allow users to show video for 30 seconds and then it will ask to enter password.
So it will protect your audio and video files on one hand, while on other, it is undetectable on the forst go because sometimes it seems very awkward when your family members comes to know that you wants to lock or hide this folder.
Obviously there's something wrong in these folders :-p
But now use this file protecting software and you will be pleased.

Click below to download file locker:

Download File locker

Sketch creator software free download

Hi friends. I hope you all will be fine.
As you know you can always download free softwares from this blog, but today I want to share a very unique & rare software with you friends.
This software generates sketches of people which you like.
This sketch creator is mostly used by police officers  and other invesitigating agencies to create sketches of unkonown criminals. But now, we can also use this software easily.

Main Features:
With the help of this software, you can create sketch of any male / female from your own choice like a detective or investigating officer.
This software provides you with all those micro face features like you can generate sketch by using a number of faces, nose, lips, moustache, beard, eyes, ears, eyebrows, eye lashes and other elements of face.
Generating a sketch is not an annoying or difficult task as it seems, it is very interesting work to do.

It will enhance your creativity and will let you know how sucessful detective you can be.
Try to test yourself as a detective!
Lets imagine face of your any friend. Now try to generate his /her face using this Sketch creator software.
You will find it very interesting once you are done.

Download Sketch Creator

Saturday 16 February 2013

PDF Password Remover Portable

PDF Password Remover for Minimalists
Size: 7.31mb | 8.44mb (extracted)
Writes settings to: None.
How to install: extract to desired location, launch 'PDFPasswordRemoverPortable.exe'
Stealth [?]: Yes
UNC: Yes
CRC-32: 522DC1DA
Dependencies: Administrative Rights.
Minimal requirements: WinAll, 32/64.
Download: PDFPasswordRemoverPortable_5.0.paf.exe

PC Game Zombie Shooter free download

Hi friends how are you all?
As you all know you can download free softwares from this blog, but today, I want to share a new PC Game with all my game lover friends.
The name of this game is "Zombie Shooter". As pretty much clear by its name that this game is about zombies.
This Zombie game is not only supposed a game of just for kids or teenagers. This PC game is rapidly getting popular among matures and elders.
This game is equally interested for
people of all age group.
In this game, few mad scientists with the help of their experiments, have unleased zombies to the earth which is going to be deadly dangerous for the entire world.
You are on of those soldiers, who have given the task and powers to fight against them and to stop them from damaging earth.
The main feature of this game is, unlike other games in which you are far more equiped than your enemies, this game is totally other way round.
In this game, zombies are more powerful and equipped than you and you can only beat them with courage.
The main weapons which you are provided are mainly pistols, rifles and other few explosives.
Use them wisely to catre those deadly zombies.
This fight is not going to be as easy as it seems because zombies are more well equiped with latest technologies and deadly weapons..
So you have to fight courageously my friend!
Play & enjoy :)

Click below to start download:

Friday 15 February 2013

Audio vocalist or background changer Professional RJ software

Hi friends. How are you all?
Today I want to share a very special and professional software with you guys.
While listening to radio or some remix version of any song, you may have noticed it that the original vocalist or background of that song has been changed very smartly.
How is that possible?

Is it possible to remove singers voice from a song and can you put your own voice instead?
Is it possible to change background music of any song with your own choice?
Before I used that software, I would have answred "Obviously no"
But after I used that software, I am really amazed that all that is possible wuth this easy tou use RJ professional audio software.
This software is used by professional RJs & other people of such field and they charge high rates to modify songs but now you can do it by your own very easily & without spending a single penny!!
Through this software, you can omit the singer's voice from the song and can put your own recorded song instead.
This software is not complicated to operate because it has very simple and easy functions.
Download this audio software & enjoy using this software.
Your comments are very precious because we need your appreciations.

Click below to start download:

Download Audio background changer

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Double Desktop Double User

With this smart Double Desktop PC software, you don't required to have 2 monitors for your two different tasks, because this software enables you to create 2 desktop PCs in same computer.
You can switch in between two desktops and can use both of them for separate tasks quite easily.

So download it now and save your extra money you have spend to buy another monitor.

Click below to start download:

Download Double Desktop

Pidgin 2.10.7 Multilingual

Free chat client without installation.

Download Portable Pidgin (12.7 MB)

Included GTK

Extract and run PidginPortable.

Can be anonymized by Tor Portable.

Settings of installed Pidgin should be preserved.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tv Player free download

Hi friends. Today I want to share a smart Tv player with you.
Through this Tv player, you can watch your any favourite Tv channel on your pc without giving any single penny for it!
Just download this software and watch streaming of more than 250 Tv channels LIVE!
So what are you waiting for?

Grab it & turn your pc into TV now!
Give us your thoughts in comment box below.

Maxthon Browser download

Maxthon is a smart internet browser, enables you to browse a faster internet on your PC.
This browser is a best competetor of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox & Internet Explorer.
Try this Maxthon Internet browser and experience a faster internet on your PC.

Click below to start download:

Download Maxthon Browser

Monday 11 February 2013

Image to Icon creator software download

This is a smart Image to Icon software through which you can use any image or your own pic as an icon thumbnail.
This software has a unique capabilty to generate any image into icon and you an use it anywhere you like.
Try this amazing software and use your images as your desktop icons and surprise others.

Click below to start download:

Download Image to Icon

Youtube Speed up free download

Download this free youtube speed up software and increase your youtube video speed.
If you have a slow internet connection, this software will help you to watch videos without any annoying buffering!
So download it now and enjoy speedy youtube videos.

Your comments are required for our appreciations :)

Click below to start download:

Download Youtube Speed-up

Cartoon Creator free download

Through this software, we can generate many cartoon characters & animated cartoons of owr own.
This software will be very helpful for you if you got a creative mind.

Moreover, it is also very helpful for those related to media sciences and other such fields
Download and be creative!

Download Cartoon Creator

Download Audio Recorder free software

Through this sound/audio recording software, we can record any audio which we want.
The main feature of this software is that we can play and record any audio clip which we wants at the same time.
It is easy to download and very easy to use.

Download and don't forget to share!

Click the link below to start download:

Download Audio Recorder

Saturday 9 February 2013

Professional Video converter free download

This software is a professional all-in-one video converter through which you can convert video of any format into any video format you like.
Moreover, in this video converter software, sound adjustements and quality adjustements of videos can also be made.

Download it and dont forget to share if you like our effort :)

Cartoon on your desktop

This is simply a fun software and easy to use and specially if you have kids around you.
This software will create a feel-good-factor in your kids when they saw cartoons on your desktop!

Download it & I hope you will enjoy!

SIM data recovery free download

Have you lost all your precious data from your SIM card?
This easy to use SIM data recovery software is very useful and through this software, you can make all your lost SIM data recovery very easily.

Tell us about this software in comment box below.

Download SIM data recovery

Friday 8 February 2013

IDM UltraCompare Professional 8.50 Multilingual

Compare Text Files and Folders without installation.

Download Portable UltraCompare Multilingual Online (0.4 MB)

Extract and run UltraComparePortable.

Multilingual Online (English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, SimpChinese, Spanish) download setup and extract files from it.

When new computer detected:

Click on Register, enter any License ID and Password in Activation Windows then click on Activate.

Click Offline Activation. Copy User Code 1 & 2 into CORE KeyGen (Program: UltraCompare v8.x). Then Generate.

Copy Authorization Code 1 & 2 into Offline Activation fields and any License ID and Password.

Then Activate, Exit Keygen and close the text.

Activations are kept for several computers.

Settings and shell integration of installed UltraCompare should be preserved.

Facebook Talk messenger free download

Through this smart Facebook Talk messenger, you can chat with your friends on your desktop without using your internet browser.
This Facebook chat has all new smileys and fonts which will give a new fresh experience to chat with your friends.

Download Facebook chat messenger and keep enjoing being social :)

Download fTalk messenger