Tuesday 29 January 2013

How To Hide your Blog Post Date

Hi friends..!
Are you a blogger and got irritated by that post date above your each and every Blog post?
I was irritated too.. But not now, as you can see I have no date on my posts :)
Want to know how?

Follow these simple steps:

Step #1 Open Edit HTML:

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML and backup your template.

Backing up your Tempelate:
Copy your existing tempelate HTML by pressing ctrl+A follwed up with ctrl+C and then save it in a notepad, so that in case if you did sonething wrong, you will have your previous tempelate saved.

Once done with backing up,
find the following code below:
(you can find it by pressing ctrl+F)

/* Header

It looks like this:
/* Header
----------------------------------------------- */

Now under this code, put this piece of code:
.date-header {visibility: hidden;}

And there you go, where's the post date gone?
Enjoy friends.. 
And dont forget to 'LIKE' & 'comment' for my appreciation..  :D

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